Updated travel insurance information regarding Coronavirus COVID-19 as at 1 July 2020

Coronavirus COVID-19 is now deemed a known circumstance which is a general exclusion under our policies.
Our policy does not provide cover for any event you were aware of before your policy cover commenced.  If you purchased your policy on or after 1 July 2020, we would expect this was done with knowledge of Coronavirus COVID-19, and therefore there would be no coverage for any claim which was a result of this event. This applies to any section of the policy. 
Please refer to the previously issued travel advices below for policies purchased prior to 1 July 2020. We will continue to monitor the situation and advise accordingly.


Updated travel insurance information for Coronavirus as at 18th March 2020

This information is in relation to the ‘Do Not Travel’ Warning currently in effect for all travel outside of Australia.

Due to the risk and spread of COVID-19 Coronavirus, Scott Morrison has banned indoor gatherings of more than 100 people and issued a blanket 'Do Not Travel' advice for all Australians for the first time in history. Information placed on smartraveller https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/crisis/covid-19-and-travel states (in part):

"We now advise all Australians: do not travel overseas at this time. This is our highest advice level (level 4 of 4). Regardless of your destination, age or health, our advice is do not travel at this time."

For all policies purchased after 9am (AEST) on 18th March 2020 –

Our policy does not provide cover for any event you were aware of before your policy cover commenced. If you purchased your policy after 9am 18 March 2020 we would expect this was done with knowledge of the current Do Not Travel notification in place and therefore there would be no coverage for any claim which was a result of this event.


Updated travel insurance information for Coronavirus as at 3rd March 2020

On 29th February 2020 the Australian government updated the travel advice for Iran to Do Not Travel. This means that if you purchase a policy to Iran whilst the Do Not Travel restriction is in place, there is no cover for any claims related to Coronavirus.

All advice below still remain in force.


Updated travel insurance information for Coronavirus as at 14th February 2020

Please refer to your Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and be aware of the following General Exclusions.

4) You being aware at the time of purchasing the policy of something that would give rise to You making a claim under this policy

11) Or is related to or is associated with:

• an actual or likely epidemic or pandemic

• the threat of an epidemic or pandemic

Refer to www.who.int and www.smartraveller.gov.au for more information

12) You did not follow advice in the mass media or any government or other official body’s warning:

• against travel to a particular country or parts of a particular country; or

• of a strike, riot, bad weather, civil protest or contagious disease (including an epidemic or pandemic);


Updated travel insurance information for Coronavirus as at 3rd February 2020

Over the weekend the Australian government updated the travel advice for China to Do Not Travel. This means that if you purchase a policy to China whilst the Do Not Travel restriction is in place, there is no cover for any claims related to Coronavirus.

The below advice still remains in force. 


Travel insurance information for Coronavirus

It has been widely reported through across the mainstream media that a virus called Coronavirus  has been detected in China and is now spreading to other parts of the world. Sadly there have been 81 reported deaths to date with the fear that number will continue to grow. The Australian government has also issued a Do Not Travel alert to the originating region of Wuhan, China.  

All claims relating to the Coronavirus will be assessed based on your circumstances and in accordance with the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) applicable to your policy level.

If your policy was purchased before 7am (AEST) on 20th January 2020 –

-              If you have commenced your trip and your transport has been delayed/cancelled there may be coverage for reasonable additional expenses for travel, accommodation or meals.  All policy limits, conditions and exclusions will apply to any claim lodged.

-              If you have commence your trip and you a hospitalised as a result of the threat or diagnosis of Coronavirus there may be coverage for any medical expenses incurred. Please ensure you contact our emergency assistance department on 61 2 8055 1683 to seek advice. 

-              If you have not commenced your trip and your transport has been cancelled, delayed or rescheduled you may have coverage for cancellation or the rearrangement of your trip (if this is less than the cancellation cost).  You will need to contact your travel agent or transport provider to obtain any applicable refund, credit or confirmation of cancellation fees applicable.  Your travel provider may offer free options to rearrange your travel.

If you purchased your policy after 7am (AEST) on 20th January 2020 –

Our policy does not provide cover for any event you were aware of before your policy cover commenced.  If you purchased your policy after 20th January 2020, we would expect this was done with knowledge of the current event and therefore there would be no coverage for any claim which was a result of this event.

We will continue to monitor the situation and advise accordingly.